MSc Feb UnairThe Management Startup Challenge is a digital business plan and startup competition organized by the Management Undergraduate Student Association Universitas Airlangga which is one of the sub-events of the Management Expo. The Management Startup Challenge (MSC) will return in 2024 with a focus on targeting D3, D4 and S1 students (maximum 7th semester) at the national level. This competition aims to be a forum and encourage entrepreneurship for students. The Management Startup Challenge (MSC) includes a series of competitions held online and offline, both in the form of BMC, business proposals and power points. This competition supports several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the UN, including:
1. Quality Education (SDGs 4): Bringing up creative and innovative ideas in the business skills needed in the future so that can improve the quality and access of education.
2. Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDGs 8): Encourage job creation, entrepreneurship and inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
3. Partnerships to Achieve Goals (SDGs 17): Developing effective and strategic partnerships in achieving overall sustainable development goals.