student acc visit feb unairOn March 16 2024, the Management Student Association (HIMA Management) Universitas Airlangga held the "Students Association Visit HIMA Management X HIMA Accounting Universitas Airlangga " activity. Carrying the theme "Exploring Shared Opportunities and Challenges between Student Organizations in Innovation in Weaving the Future." This activity was held in the UNAIR Ex-Pharmacy Hall of Cendrawasih. This SAV aims to strengthen relationships between student organizations and open opportunities for collaboration in various fields.

In this activity there will be several series of events, including the presentation of the grand design of HIMA Management and HIMA Accounting, sharing sessions, LGD, and games. In the discussion session, participants exchanged ideas and thoughts to build more effective and efficient cooperation. This event closed with a friendly session and the presentation of award plaques to each student association.

The Students Association Visit HIMA Manajamen activity is expected to become a forum for student organizations to establish cooperation and collaboration in various fields. With a spirit of collaboration, it is hoped that student organizations can play an active role in building a brighter future for the nation.

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