management startup feb unairIn the rapidly developing digital era, innovation and collaboration play an important role in facing a number of economic challenges that will be faced by the younger generation. The young generation as the driving force behind the rapidly developing and widespread digital transformation has the potential to create major changes in the economy. So we, the 2023/2024 Universitas Airlangga Management Undergraduate Student Association, took the initiative to hold an event called Management Startup Challenge 2023 with the theme "Collaborating to Create Innovations for the Youth Towards Economic Development in the Digital Era".

This year, the Management Startup Challenge 2023 (MSC) is related to SDGs number 8, namely Decent Work and Economic Growth and number 17, namely Partnerships to Achieve Goals. By integrating SDGs principles in business plans, young people can contribute to sustainable development globally while ensuring the long-term growth and sustainability of their businesses.

The MSC 2023 activity is a national level competition and mentoring for high school/vocational school students and university students throughout Indonesia which aims to foster an entrepreneurial spirit and hone the soft skills of high school students and efforts to help create conditions for a good startup ecosystem. In this competition, participants are asked to prepare a comprehensive and innovative business plan for a digital startup. Participants are expected to outline the vision, mission, marketing strategy, market analysis, finances and business model of their proposed digital startup. They also have to prove that their ideas can add value and solve real problems in society or a particular industry.

In addition to prizes and recognition for winners, the digital business plan and startup competition also provides a valuable opportunity for participants to expand their networks and get valuable feedback from professionals and industry experts involved in the event. Apart from that, events like this can also be a forum for encouraging creativity and innovation in the business world, as well as motivating prospective entrepreneurs to develop their ideas into successful businesses in the digital era which continues to develop rapidly.

For further information, please kindly check our social media :
Instagram : @mexpo.msc2023
TikTok : @mexpo.msc2023
Contact Person :
Line : farwasdie
Whatsapp : 081284548340
Line : bbilamau
Whatsapp : 081288556625

- HIMA S1 Management UNAIR