The implementation of higher education as an inseparable part of the implementation of national education cannot be separated from the mandate of Article 31 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which reads: "The government seeks and organizes a national education system, which increases faith. and piety and noble morals in order to make the nation's life more intelligent, which are regulated by law." The role of higher education in order to increase the nation's capabilities and competitiveness is to produce Indonesian human resources who are intelligent, knowledgeable, devoted to God Almighty, have noble character, healthy, capable, creative, innovative, independent who will shape the nation's civilization, and become a democratic country based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

A student exchange program is a program in which students from a university study abroad at one of their partner institutions. International universities work together to hold student exchange programs for lectures for 1-2 semesters whose credits can be included in course credits. Student exchange programs give students the opportunity to study in different countries and environments to experience the history and culture of other countries as well as meet new friends to enrich their personal development. International exchange programs are also effective in challenging students to develop a global perspective. Becoming one of the participants in a student exchange program has become a dream for most students.

Chung Ang University is a private university located at 84 Heukseok-ro, Heukseok-dong, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, South Korea. This university was founded in 1918 and is ranked 414th in the world in the QS Global World Rankings 2022. Chung Ang University is holding a student exchange program entitled "Chung Ang University Spring Exchange 2022" in collaboration with various universities around the world, one of which is Universitas Airlangga. Universitas Airlangga collaborates with Chung Ang University to hold a student exchange program for a full semester. This activity is carried out for one full semester from March to June 2022.


-HIMA UNAIR S1 Management
