Campus and Company Visit is one of the work programs of the Public Relations Division of the Islamic Economics Student Association, Universitas Airlangga. This program consists of two main activities, namely Campus Visit and Company Visit. Campus Visit aims to strengthen ties between HIMA Islamic Economics UNAIR and other student associations, with a focus on sharing knowledge and information related to organizational governance. It is hoped that the results of this activity can be used as evaluation material, quality improvement, and system improvement in the management of UNAIR Islamic Economics Association, as well as creating new policies that are more creative and relevant. On the other hand, Company Visit is designed to provide students with practical insight into the world of work. Through direct visits to companies, students can learn business processes, work culture, and skills needed in various industries, so as to better prepare them to face career challenges in the future.
Meanwhile, Company Visit External provides a new opportunity for Ekis UNAIR students, especially the 2021, 2022 and 2023 classes, to get to know the world of work more deeply. In this activity, students interact directly with experienced practitioners in various companies. This activity is expected to broaden insight regarding the dynamics of the real world of work, provide an understanding of the skills needed, and prepare students to face career challenges in the future.
This Campus and Company Visit activity is also in line with the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG 4 concerning Quality Education, because it provides access for students to learn directly from practitioners in the field. Apart from that, SDG 17 concerning Partnerships to achieve goals was also reflected in this event, because through collaboration between universities and companies, students can contribute to achieving sustainable development goals, both in the field of education and the world of work.