English Curces Feb UnairThe English Course is one of the work programs of the Jakesma Hima Islamic Economics Division which is intended for Universitas Airlangga students to improve their English language skills and help students achieve the minimum score that has been set. The English Course is held twice in one period and in collaboration with the Language and Multicultural Center Universitas Airlangga (PUSBAMULYA UNAIR). The first wave of the English Course will be held on 22 – 29 April 2024, while the second wave of the English Course will be held on 29 September – 11 October 2024. The English Course consists of two sub-events, namely training and tests. In each wave of the English Course, 3 training sessions are carried out (Listening, Structure, Reading, Review All Lessons) and 1 test, namely the final test as the closing of this English Course event. All English Course activities will be carried out via zoom meeting (online). This activity can be participated in by all Universitas Airlangga students from various faculties.

Before holding the training, we create a participant registration form along with payment which closes 10 days before the implementation of the English Course. To take part in the first batch of the English Course, participants are required to pay IDR 125,000.00 per person. This fee includes 3 meetings with two sub-events, namely training and tests. In the training, participants will receive material and discussion of the practice questions that have been given

This activity is related to Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) number 4, namely quality education, because in this event participants will receive material and discussions from the practice questions that have been given which are expected to help students improve their English skills and help students achieve higher scores. from 450.