ekis goes public feb unairEkis Goes Public is an event organized by the Public Relations division of the Islamic Economics Student Association to introduce the Islamic Economics study program to prospective new students, namely high school and equivalent students. Not only introducing the Islamic Economics study program, Ekis Goes Public 2023 also invited several resource persons who will present talk show sessions on academic, non-academic and prospect topics. Ekis Goes Public will be held offline in three different places, namely SMA Al Falah Surabaya, SMA Negeri 1 Gondang Mojokerto, and MAN 2 Mojokerto. This activity will be carried out in 3 sessions, namely Friday, October 6 2023; Monday, October 9 2023 ; and Friday, October 27, 2023.

At the Ekis Goes Public event, academic topics will be presented by resource persons from Islamic Economics students who have excelled in academics. Meanwhile, non-academic topics will be presented by speakers from Islamic Economics students who have active experience in the organizational field. The topic of prospects will be presented by alumni of Islamic Economics students who have entered the world of work to provide experience regarding the prospects of the Islamic Economics major. This Ekis Goes Public activity is related to SDGs number 17, namely about partnerships to achieve general goals, because through this activity it can strengthen the implementation of collaboration with related parties, such as the target of high school which is to introduce the Islamic Economics study program at Universitas Airlangga.