FRESH (Friendship in Economics of Sharia) is an activity to introduce new Islamic Economics students through an orientation period which aims to introduce the department and lectures. Apart from that, FRESH also aims to instill values in new students by implementing the values that will be promoted in FRESH 2023. With measurable themes and mechanisms, the existence of FRESH 2023 activities can improve the quality of new students as a foothold in college life, especially in the Islamic Economics Department Universitas Airlangga . The series of FRESH 2023 activities will be carried out offline for 4 weeks, to be precise on 25 August 2023, 2 September 2023, 16 September 2023, 23 September 2023 and closing on 30 September 2023.
The activity of introducing new students to the Islamic Economics major is delivered as an activity to provide material related to the major and lectures held during the orientation period. This activity is carried out with two-way interaction and implementation of values with all activities which include a weekly agenda to support the cultivation of values in FRESH 2023. FRESH 2023 activities will carry a Grand Theme (Strength In Unity For Ekis) with the hope that new students can create a sense of togetherness and mutuality. has among new students of Islamic Economics. So that the potential contained in every student can become a strength to be able to contribute positively, especially to EKIS UNAIR.
The series of FRESH 2023 activities began with a welcome from New Students Class of 2023 on 25 August 2023, then continued with Day 1 (2 September 2023) with the concept of the event being a seminar as a projection of the potential and position of UNAIR Islamic Economics and also providing FGD (Focus Group Discussion). ), Day 2 (16 September 2023) will be held outside campus with outbound activities aimed at instilling the values of Islamic Economics in the form of fun games and making New Students Class of 2023 solid, Day 3 (23 September 2023) will hold activities to accommodate new students to display business products that have been designed by each group as a form of training new students' creativity and collaboration. Then finally, it closes with the Closing Party (30 September 2023) where New Students will be released to face the world of college and have sufficient provisions from all FRESH 2023 activities.
In the entire series of FRESH 2023 activities, we conceptualize the SDGs points of Quality Education and on the basis of 4C dimensions (creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, communication) so that we can prepare projections and potential for new students for the next few years, especially in the Department of Islamic Economics, Universitas Airlangga .
The entire series of FRESH 2023 activities will take place around the Faculty of Economics & Business, Universitas Airlangga and one activity will take place outside the campus, this FRESH 2023 activity will be charged for new students for accommodation while outside campus and also consumption during the entire series of FRESH 2023 activities. which aims for the continuity and smoothness of all FRESH 2023 activities later.