iqtisdho feb unair
Iqtishoduna is an actualization of the efforts of Islamic Economics Students initiated by the Islamic Economics Student Association to strive for success and contribute to the development of Islamic Economics. Apart from that, it is also aimed at preaching Islamic Economics to various levels of society which is contained in a series of events organized so that people from all backgrounds can get to know and contribute to the development of Islamic Economics.
Iqtishoduna 2023 as a national scale event is present with the grand theme "Recalling Indonesian Sharia Economics Existence through The Role of Youth Generation: in Search of the Great and Brilliant Pioneer" and presents various transformations in several series of events in order to achieve more optimal output. Iqtishoduna has 3 series of events targeted at young people and the general public, including:

a. Airlangga Iqtishoduna Sport Competition (AISCO) is a competition for Futsal, Basketball and ML at SMA/SMK and equivalent levels. This activity will be carried out on 5 August -31 August 2023 with an offline system. This activity is used as a means for participants to develop their creative talents and sportsmanship. Apart from that, this activity is also useful for introducing Islamic Economics more widely through non-academic competitions held and content published on all social media. The Airlangga Iqtishoduna Sport Competition (AISCO) activity was carried out using an offline futsal and basketball system and an online Mobile Legend with a grand theme entitled "Spirit of Youth Development for incredible prodigy".
b. Airlangga Iqtishoduna Youth Education and Literature (AIYEL) is a combination of SEO and AICB transformed into Airlangga Iqtishoduna Youth Education and Literature (AIYEL) which is one of a series of IQTISHODUNA events held by the Islamic Economics Student Association of Universitas Airlangga for the 2023 period. to achieve the grand theme, namely "Instilling Literacy for Youth Generation in Today's Sharia Economics Phenomenon". The announcement of Airlangga Iqtishoduna Youth Education and Literature (AIYEL) will be held at the Airlangga Iqtishoduna Sharia Festival (AISF). This activity is divided into three, namely: Call for Paper, Business Case, and Islamic Economic Olympiad. This activity will be carried out on 5 October - 7 October 2023 with an offline system.
c. The Airlangga Iqtishoduna Sharia Festival (AISF) as the highlight of the Iqtishoduna event will present talk shows with competent and qualified speakers in their fields, exhibitions with sharia product and business tenants, and various Islamic cultural competitions. This sub-event will be held on October 7 2023 with an offline system, precisely at the Surabaya Youth Hall, the target of this sub-event is targeting the general public to find out more deeply about Islamic Economics from various sides and is free of charge.

This event is related to optimizing SDGs number 4, namely Quality Education, by presenting various competition events and media for skill development, especially reasoning and writing, which reaches the entire young generation, from SMA/SMK/MA equivalent students to S1/D3 students. Airlangga Iqtishoduna Sport Competition (AISCO) and Airlangga Iqtishoduna Youth Education and Literature (AIYEL). Airlangga Iqtishoduna Sharia Festival (AISF) also participates in optimizing SDGs number 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth by providing sharia product and business tenants which can indirectly encourage and support existing partnerships more effectively for economic growth, especially the Islamic Economy. .