"SHARIA ACCELERATION LEADERSHIP EVENT (SALE)" is an activity to improve the quality of human resources of the Islamic Economics Student Association. The aim of holding the Sharia Acceleration Leadership Event is to increase the kinship and solidarity of the active management of HIMA Islamic Economics Universitas Airlangga for the 2023 period, as well as provide motivation for organizational awareness to the management so that they can carry out the management period more optimally. In this sale, there will be two main focuses or two sub-events, namely upgrading and familiarization between the management of HIMA EKIS Unair 2023. Upgrading includes activities aimed at increasing awareness in organizations in the form of a forum which will later have speakers from upper class Islamic economics students who have adequate abilities in the field or in the value that will be delivered and the audience is members of the management of the Islamic Economics Student Association for the 2023 period. The value that will be delivered is a value that is relevant to the needs of the members of the Islamic Economics Student Association in carrying out the management period for the next year. 

              It is hoped that with this forum, the administrators of the Islamic Economics Student Association will be able to carry out their management with good professionalism so that it will provide many benefits, both for the administrators and for all Islamic Economics students. The values ​​that will be brought include the ability to communicate in a complex manner (including communication with the team, communication with individuals, communication with external parties and so on), Interpersonal intelligence (including how to manage EQ, SQ, IQ in a balanced way to produce critical thinking and emotional intelligence and etc.), FoSSEI, as well as Teamwork material (as an implementation of the communication values ​​that have been given previously). The second sub-event is familiarization between individuals from the 2023 HIMA EKIS Unair management or often called bonding. The aim of the activities in this second sub-event itself is to strengthen the sense of kinship and solidarity in the management of the Islamic Economics Student Association for the 2023 period. In accordance with the theme that will be carried by this year's SALE, namely "Synergize in building solidarity for the sake of integrity". For its implementation, SALE 2023 will be held on 10-12 March 2023 offline at one of the villas in Prigen, Pasuruan, East Java, namely Villa Dharma Ledug and will be subject to a contribution fee of IDR 150,000.00/person. This SALE is related to SDGs number 4, namely quality education, where this event provides knowledge and information for administrators of Islamic economics student associations related to leadership, organization and professionalism. SALE wants to create a quality generation and also instill skills that are relevant today. By holding this SALE, it is hoped that it can increase professionalism and also build solidarity between the management of the Islamic Economics Student Association.