Increasing Awareness of Alang-alang Sanggar Children by Islamic Economics Students Universitas Airlangga in the 2022 Teaching with Ekis (MEJIK) Work Program


The Islamic Economics Student Association, Public Relations Division, has a work program called Teaching With Ekis (MEJIK). The concept of the MEJIK event is to teach or provide education, both academic and non-academic, as well as guidance in reading the holy verses of the Koran to the street children of Sanggar Alang-Alang. The funds used come from open donations aimed at children's snacks and studio operational costs. The teaching schedule is held 12 times a month (September) and the highlight of the event will be held on September 26 2022 at Sanggar Alang-Alang. The lecturers are active members of Islamic Economics, especially Public Relations Division Staff and Volunteers from active Islamic Economics students. This event aims to increase and train street children's knowledge regarding moral religious material and English, increase their awareness regarding the importance of studying moral religious material and English for their daily lives and also as provisions for them in the future. The hope is that holding this teaching activity will make it a habit to implement how to behave and act in accordance with good morals in everyday life, as well as realizing Islamic Economics students' sense of concern for the surrounding conditions and making the people who receive the benefits of our event happy. This program is related to optimizing SDGs number 4, namely Quality Education aimed at street children at Sanggar Alang-Alang