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As one of the leading universities in Indonesia, Universitas Airlangga has a vision to become a World Class University. In this way, in order to improve the ranking and reputation Universitas Airlangga on an international scale, it is supported by various activities such as outbound activities or exchanges of students and teaching staff which can be one of the supporting indicators. Especially at the Faculty of Economics and Business which has set a target every year to be able to organize a Full-time Outbound program aimed at foreign universities. 

This activity is a collaborative event organized by Universitas Airlangga and the University of Malaya. The outbound student and staff program at the Department of Sharia Economics, Department of Islamic Economics is targeted at establishing and strengthening relations with the University of Malaya. This is related to the good global reputation of the destination university, so that later it is hoped that they will be able to gain experience and expand collaboration, especially regarding academic peers on a global scale.

This student outbound program was carried out offline for approximately 7 days from 23 October 2022 to 30 October 2022. After going through several selection stages, 36 students were selected to take part in this program who would later be accompanied by 1 lecturer. This program receives funding from Universitas Airlangga in the form of transportation costs and accommodation costs during the program.

This activity also helps Universitas Airlangga achieve SDGs point number 4, namely Quality Education, because this activity aims to develop potential and broaden students' horizons according to their study program. By participating in this program, students can meet other students and academics from Malaysia.