The Islamic Economics Student Association, Public Relations Division, has a work program called Gebyar Ramadhan With Ekis (GRWE). The funds used come from open donations and collaboration with external parties such as SatuNasiSatuHati, BuatBaik, Infaq Management Institute, and the Indonesian Zakat Initiative. They will be given to the people of Surabaya in the form of basic necessities, rice boxes, takjil, to the street children of Sanggar Alang-Alang. This event is held during the month of Ramadan with the peak event on April 24 2022 at Sanggar Alang-Alang. This event aims to realize Islamic Economics students' sense of concern for the surrounding conditions and make the people who benefit from our event happy. This program is related to optimizing SDGs number 8, namely Decent Work and Economic Growth and SDGs number 17, namely Partnerships to Achieve Goals.