The Islamic Economics Student Association has several major programs being implemented this year, one of which is Ekis Goes to Village (EGD) 2022. Ekis Goes to Village (EGD) is a type of village servant program which is participated in by Islamic Economics students Universitas Airlangga . This year, EGD 2022 has the theme "Elaboration on the development and utilization of natural resources and human resources in Mangirejo Hamlet, Wonosalam Village, Jombang, East Java in the aspects of health, education, environment and economy in order to increase sociopreneurship and environmental awareness." Through this activity, the committee contributed directly to the people of Mangirejo Hamlet, Wonosalam Village, especially in building and developing the village's potential, both in the economic, educational, environmental and health sectors.

The environmental sub-event implemented the Monitoring and Manure Making program for Mangirejo Hamlet Residents on July 23 2022. The aim of the program is to support the management of manure for Wonosalam Village residents. CEO of Rojokoyo Group, Riswan Yopi S.Pt. presented in order to maximize the events held by the environmental sub-event committee. This program was appointed as a sustainable program from the previous year's program, namely to provide new insights and explain the importance of using organic fertilizer to the residents of Wonosalam Village so as to produce the best plants or plantations. Apart from that, there is monitoring of fertilizer results from practices after EGD socialization the previous year, namely 2021.

This program is related to optimizing SDGs number 8, namely Decent Work and Economic Growth and SDGs number 17, namely Partnerships to Achieve Goals aimed at Wonosalam Village residents.