Cangkruk Kuy: ''Evaluation Towards Changes”

Cangkruk Kuy is one of the work programs of the Student Cooperation and Welfare division (JAKESMA) of the Islamic Economics Student Association (HIMA) Universitas Airlangga which is a discussion activity between Islamic Economics students Universitas Airlangga to discuss the aspirations that have been given by students. The aspirations expressed are in the form of criticism or suggestions in terms of service, performance and work programs of HIMA and the Islamic Economics Study Program Universitas Airlangga .

In "Cangkruk Kuy" this time, the Jakesma Division raised the theme "Evaluation Towards Change". The program includes sharing between students in an aspiration net session and there is also a mutual discussion session to respond to existing problems in the Ekis Unair environment.  

"Cangkruk Kuy" will be held on Sunday, August 28 2022 offline. Participants are free of charge to take part in the "Cangkruk Kuy" event. This event is related to SDGs number 4, namely quality education because this event provides knowledge and information for Hima and members of Islamic economics in advancing the Islamic Economics Study Program to be better in the future. Therefore, by carrying out this work program, it is hoped that it can be an evaluation for HIMA and the Islamic Economics Study Program to be better in the future.