Business Class is one of the work programs of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Islamic Economics Student Association, Universitas Airlangga on a national scale. The hope of holding a Business Class is that it can become a forum for communicating business ideas for UNAIR Islamic Economics students by applying the material obtained in lectures. The Business Class in this period carries the theme Explaining Creative Business Though Breakthrough Thinking. The Business Class aims to increase the knowledge and insight of new Islamic economics students regarding BMC (Business Model Canvas). This Business Class will be held online via zoom meeting. Business Class activities will be held on September 8 – 27 2022. 

       During the HIMA period the training and introduction to BMC will take place 4 times, namely 3 days of meetings to present material presented by resource persons and 1 day for consultations regarding BMC, this activity will end in September 2022. At each meeting there will be discussions about the steps to start a business . Starting from generating ideas, optimizing ideas, and digital marketing, etc. This Business Class work program is related to SDGs number 9, namely industry, innovation and infrastructure because Business Class can improve new students' abilities in designing business ideas or concepts using the BMC (Business Model Canvas) method.