The Regional Scientific Meeting or known as TEMILREG is the largest annual routine agenda organized by FoSSEI Regional. Regional Scientific Meeting (TEMILREG) activities contain research, regional discussions and Islamic economics webinars. The theme that will be raised in the series of TEMILREG activities this year is "Optimizing Strengthening the Implementation of Sustainable Sharia Finance as an Acceleration of National Economic Growth." It is hoped that with this TEMILREG, FoSSEI will be able to contribute its best ideas and ideas to Islamic economic policy makers (stakeholders) in Indonesia as well as The existence of TEMILREG can also increase brotherhood between FoSSEI cadres. 

This year, KSEI BEM FEBI INSTITUTE OF ISLAMIC RELIGION DARUSSALAM has the opportunity to host TEMILREG 2022. TEMILREG is a national scope activity that will invite delegations of Islamic Economics students throughout Indonesia. Activities will be carried out in a hybrid manner (online – offline) for the National Webinar activities which will be held online via Zoom Meeting, while for the competition semifinals and several other activities such as TalkShow, FGD, Awarding and Field Trip will be held offline. For the Olympic competition, LKTI Competition and Business Plan branches, it is indicated that they are paid. A series of activities will start on June 7, 2022 and last until June 13, 2022. 

Students who participated in the competition as HIMA EKIS UNAIR delegates, the Olympic competition team consisted of 2 teams. Team A consists of Alyana Maharani (042011433130), Fathiya Ni'matul 'Aisy (042011433150), and Muhammad Rifqi Ali (042111433030). The Olympic B Team consists of Binti Khusnul Hidayah (042011433211), Muhammad Maskur Fauzi (042111433004), and Firman Agus (042111433203). The delegates for the Scientific Writing competition also consist of 2 teams. Team A consists of Nurul Sawal (042011433040), Ayunisa Dinda Nur Rahma (042011433153), and Ayatulloh Amini (041911433183). Meanwhile, team B consists of Hary (041911433209), Mutiara Rachmi Karenina (042111433228), and Chorista Fitriani (042111433084). Likewise for the Business plan competition category, consisting of 2 teams. Team A consists of Muhammad Fahmi F (042111433196), Hafid Fauzan (041911433065), Fahmi Ilyas (042011433206). Team B consists of Ridho Robbani (042011433176), Syanisma Khansa Indiwan (042011433029), and Astandi Dinoryan (042011433205).

This activity is in accordance with SDGs point number 4, namely quality education where this activity is aimed at increasing the scientific capacity of cadres, both individually and collectively to develop the Islamic economy in Indonesia and the world.