The Investalk Webinar is one of the work programs of the HIMA EKIS UNAIR Finance Bureau, where this work program is a webinar whose scope is for Islamic Economics students in all classes who are interested or want to learn about investment. Students as agents of change in this country who will hold the leadership relay in the future must play an active role in becoming pioneers in the formation of a strong national economy. It is time for a paradigm shift in thinking among students, namely changing the habit of saving to investing. Webinar containing education and outreach regarding investment in the Indonesian capital market as a form of introduction to correct and safe investment products, regarding the differences between sharia and conventional shares. 

It is hoped that this work program held by the Financial Bureau will be able to provide opportunities for students and students who want to build and develop skills in investing, such as how to do technical and fundamental analysis as well as getting stories and direct experiences from experienced people. This activity will be carried out online via Zoom Meeting without any fees being charged, and will be held on May 21 2022 from 12.45 to 15.15 WIB. The two speakers in this webinar are La Himmah il Princess Choris, Financial Consultant at Valbury and the second is Puja Purbaya Sakti Dirgantara, SH who is Research Staff at Valbury. This event is related to SDGs number 4, namely quality education because this event provides knowledge, provisions and information about investing well and correctly.