The "Research Day" program is an internal competition event for Islamic Economics Students which aims to encourage students to develop further in the field of writing Scientific Writing (KTI) which can be competed at regional, national and international levels. In this period, the Scientific Division will hold activities from 15 April to 21 May 2022 targeting Universitas Airlangga students class of 2021. With the situation still not allowing 100% offline, concept presentations by participants who qualify for the top 5 rounds and judging will be held online, while the winner announcement will be held a few days later. Winners still get exchange opportunities, depending on department policy. The sub-themes raised in this competition are "Use of Fintech in Digital-Based Sharia Economic Development", "Strategy of MSME Actors in the Business Sector Ecosystem and Infrastructure", "Optimizing the Role of Zakat, Infaq, Alms and Waqf Funds (ZISWAF)". This competition is completely free. Research Day is related to SDGs value point 4, quality education, which is in accordance with the aim of the activity, namely to improve students' ability to develop the potential to write scientific papers (KTI).