Ekis Got Talent provides a new color for the Islamic Economics Student Association. Ekis Got Talent is a work program of the Arts and Sports Division of the Islamic Economics Student Association to accommodate the talents of Islamic Economics students in the arts field. This activity will be held online and offline, activities carried out online using social media, such as Zoom Meeting, Instagram and YouTube. Meanwhile, activities carried out offline which of course still comply with health protocols will be carried out at one of the cafes in Surabaya. By holding this activity, it is hoped that it will be able to develop the interests of EKIS students' talents, especially in the field of art.

Ekis Got Talent 2022 will be held in two sub-events, namely internal Ekis Got Talent and external Ekis Got Talent. At the internal Ekis Got Talent, there will be a search and development of arts such as solo religious singers, videography of Ramadhan vibes, musical poetry, shalawatan, painting/speed art, and fingersty music. Two periods are held during the Islamic Economics Student Association period, namely the first period is held in April – May, and the second period is in October – November. Ekis Got Talent chapter II, Solo Singer, Acoustic and Fingerstyle competitions will be held via offline (for the grand final and closing) starting from Monday, 10 October 2022 – Thursday, 10 November 2022. This competition aims to increase creativity in music, in the field of acoustics as well as in the fields of photography and videography. This time, the Ekis Got Talent 2022 competition has a vintage theme. This event is related to SDGs number 4, namely quality education because participants can channel their talents and hobbies here.