SESPON or Webinar Sponsorship is one of the work programs from the Finance Bureau of HIMA EKIS UNAIR, where this work program is a webinar whose scope is for Islamic Economics students in all classes who are interested or want to learn about investment and sponsorship. Due to developments over time, there is a lot of knowledge and economic issues such as sharia business that have become the subject of discussion among economists and business people in Indonesia. To respond to developing issues, the Finance Bureau responded by holding a series of Sponsorship Webinar events to provide knowledge and provisions for Islamic Economics Students.  

It is hoped that the work program held by the Financial Bureau will be able to lead the community towards a better economic life. They are expected to be able to channel their concern for the economic development of their nation, not just struggle, remain silent, and follow lecture material without wanting to look at economic conditions in the real world. This activity is carried out online via Zoom meeting without any fees being charged, and will be held on April 9 2022 from 12.30 to 15.15 WIB. The two resource persons in this webinar are Dahayu Bethari Widyandri, Management trainer Samator and Freelancer Kompas and secondly Mohammad Sholahudin SP, Head of Corporate Partnership LAZNAS Yatim Mandiri. This event is related to SDGs number 4, namely quality education because this event provides knowledge, provisions and information about economic investment in society.