Mudharabah investment in the 2022 period this time carries the theme "3M Easy, Cheap, Benefits for Financial Life". This activity is one of the programs of the Islamic Economics Student Association, Entrepreneurship Division, for internal purposes, but in collaboration with external parties. Mudharabah Investment activities will be carried out online (via transfer) on April 7 – 21 2022. Mudharabah Investment is here to help students of the Islamic economics study program learn together how to invest using a Mudharabah contract that is in accordance with Islamic sharia. 

Mudharabah investment is carried out by collecting funds first from Shohibul mal, namely a student of the Islamic economics study program. Then after collecting funds, the funds obtained from Shohibul Mal will be given as business capital to Mudharib and the business concerned. In the 2022 period, her mudharib is Tyagita Winaya Mukti and her businesses are gw.decor and gw.seserahan. Mudharabah Investment Activities are related to SDGs number 8, namely decent work and economic growth because this activity helps small businesses use capital collected from Shohibul Mal, then these businesses can make good use of the capital they obtain so that these businesses can play a role in economic growth in society. Apart from that, it is also related to SDGs number 17, namely partnerships to achieve common goals, because this program collaborates with external parties to achieve a good financial goal in the future.