This year's XX National Scientific Meeting (TEMILNAS) was held at Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java. The theme this year is Increasing Sharia Financial Literacy as an Effort to Accelerate the Inclusive Da'wah of Indonesian Islamic Economics. Several events were held, such as the Islamic Economics Olympiad, writing competition, business plan, international webinar, talk show, FGD, workshop and others. Starting from July 26 to August 31, it is hoped that this event will become a gathering place between KSEI in Indonesia with a scientific orientation.

This year's FoSSEI East Java Regional Scientific Meeting (TEMILREG) 2021 was held at Jember State University. The same as TEMILNAS, the theme this year is Increasing Sharia Financial Literacy as an Effort to Accelerate Inclusive Indonesian Islamic Economic Da'wah. Several events were also held, such as scientific papers, Olympics, business plans, international webinars, talk shows, FGDs, workshops and others. Starting on June 24 - 26, it is hoped that this event will become a gathering event between KSEI at the East Java regional level with a scientific orientation.