Students as the next generation and connectors of the nation's life as well as intellectual elements in society are one of the parties who are obliged to take part in carrying out the mandate of nation development. In accordance with the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, students are required to be critical and able to appear more active in national development efforts. Through a process of learning and developing knowledge which is also accompanied by real work in the field.

One step that can be taken in this regard is that students who are members of the Islamic Economics Student Association, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (HIMA EKIS FEB UNAIR) will hold an IQTISHODUNA event which includes sub-events, namely the iSlamic Economic Olympiad (SEO) , International Debate and Call For Paper (IDCFP), Airlangga Iqtishoduna Sharia creative Talks (AISICT). The following is a brief description of the three sub-events.

A. iSlamic Economics Olympiad (SEO)

iSlamic Economic Olympiad (SEO) is a national competition at SMA/MA equivalent level covering all regions in Indonesia with the theme "Enhancing Economic Sharia through Literacy and Competition in Muslim Youth Generation" which will be held in October. This Olympiad is aimed at SMA/K/MA and equivalent students throughout Indonesia. Each team consists of two active students and must come from the same school.

B. International Debate and Call For Paper (IDCFP)

International Debate and Call for Paper (IDCFP) is one of a series of IQTISHODUNA events aimed at undergraduate/D3 students throughout Indonesia with a big theme, namely "The Influence of Financial Technology in Estabilishing a Resilient Sharia Digital Economy". Each team consists of 3 active students from the same university.

C. Airlangga Iqtishoduna Sharia Creative Talks (AISICT)

Airlangga Iqtishoduna Sharia Creative Talks (AISICT) is a new sub-event at Iqtishoduna 2020 with the theme "Sharia Economic: The Future Prospect". The Islamic Economics Student Association held Airlangga Iqtishoduna Sharia Creative Talks as the culmination of Iqtishoduna 2020 which was designed to increase Sharia Economics activists in Indonesia by providing knowledge, experience and ideas about what is currently hotly discussed in the realm of national economic security by bringing in reliable businesspeople, Economic experts Islam, religion and Muslim influencers are packaged in large-scale talk shows.