“Make Your Innovation in Sponsorship” 

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The Sponsorship Seminar is a series of Islamic Economic Association events aimed at all students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga . Sponsorship Seminar and Training carries the theme "Make Your Innovation in Sponsorship". The aim of holding this seminar is to provide insight to students, especially those who are fund students and other FEB students, so that they are able to collaborate with external parties or related agencies properly and correctly.

Held on Saturday, April 10 2021 at 12.45 – 15.15. With the division of session 1 which was filled by Mia Yasinta (Regional Treasurer 2 of East Java FoSSEI) and session 2 by Lina Nugraha Rani, SE., M. SEI. Then next there is a quiz with prizes. The event was held virtually via the zoom application. 

Activity Recap: 

  1. Presentation of material by the first speaker 

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  1. Presentation of material by the second speaker 

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  1. Prize Quiz Winner. 

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