AEE or Airlangga Education Expo is an online event via zoom held by Universitas Airlangga on 13-24 February 2021 to introduce the faculties to the study programs at Universitas Airlangga to the public. The Faculty of Economics and Business held a sharing session on February 16. The next day continued with a sharing session from four FEB Universitas Airlangga undergraduate study programs, namely Accounting, Development Economics, Management and Islamic Economics.
The Department of Sharia Economics held a sharing session after the session by the Department of Development Economics. Attended by approximately 100 participants and filled by administrators and lecturers of the Department of Islamic Economics, including Dr. Sri Herianingrum SE., M.Sc. , Bayu Arie Fianto SE., MBA., PhD. , Sylva Alif Rusmita SE., CIFP , Dian Filianti SE, M.Acc. , Denizar Abdurrahman Mi'raj S.EI., M.SEI. , and Sulistya Rusgianto SE, MIF, Ph.D.
The sharing session contained a brief presentation about the Sharia Economics Department by Mrs. Sri Herianingrum and Mr. Bayu Arie Fianto. There was also a sharing session from student representatives, namely Brother Asep Maulana from the Bachelor of Islamic Economics Study Program and Brother Khaled Noer Aldeen, who is a student from Syria, from the Master of Islamic Economics as well as Islamic Economics student alumnus, Mohammad Vitroh who now works at the Financial Services Authority (OJK). ), Sharia Bank Supervision Department.
Figure 1. Sharia Economics Department sharing session at AEE 2021
This sharing went well, attended by approximately 100 participants, most of whom were SMA/MA/equivalent students. Presentations by representatives and alumni told many of their experiences studying Islamic Economics at UA and talked about the potential of Islamic Economics graduates from UA in the world of work.