One of the radio stations in Surabaya, Suara Surabaya, invited Mr. Bayu Arie Fianto SE., MBA., PhD as Head of Islamic Economics Study Program Universitas Airlangga and Mrs. Citra Widuri Widuri, ST as Director of Research Mobilization and Transformation of LMI in our guest program segment which aired earlier morning (19/2) 07.00 to 08.00.


The theme of the conversation this time was "Freedom to Learn from Anywhere" and discussed a lot, especially about cooperation between LMI and the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga.


Some discussions that can be circled include:


Radio (Mas Kohar): what is the current campus independence policy, has Ekis Unair been implemented, how is it Mr Bayu?

Mr. Bayu: MBKM (Free Learning Independent Campus), in 2021 the plan is to implement it in collaboration with LMI (LazNas) and Bank Indonesia (Young Researchers in Islamic Economics and Finance-BI Institute), for students in semester 5 and above, especially semester 6 and 7.


Our guests this morning also discussed the seminar that will be held by LMI and FEB UA tomorrow online via zoom. Discussion between Mas Kohar (radio presenter) and Mrs. CItra Widuri about what tomorrow's seminar series is about and about the collaboration between LMI and FEB UA:


Ms. Citra: This seminar is a series of activities and programs that have been agreed upon by Ekis UA to produce student profiles with professional values. We are trying to implement the pentahelix system, namely collaboration between government, academics, private sector/corporations, media and society. With collaboration, it is hoped that what academics learn will be in line with what society needs. LMI facilitates students to practice directly towards the real needs of society.


Ms. Citra: The main event of tomorrow's seminar is the inauguration of the collaboration between LMI and Ekis UA as well as welcoming students who will be interning at LMI for approximately 1 semester. We want to synergize this internship so that it can cover all credits in one semester. Lecture activities are useful in work, work activities are also useful for lectures.


Mr Bayu: It is possible for students to take 20 credits in collaboration with LMI. LMI and FEB Unair Ekis have prepared a module explaining what activities can be converted into internship activities. Produced 2 modules, namely Zakat Management and Mustahik Empowerment.


Mr. Bayu: 8 independent learning activities, one of which is student exchange, has been implemented through the sasrabahu scheme (student exchange system between state universities), you can take courses at other campuses/other study programs which are then converted. This program is to develop student interests and potential. So, the potential related to ekis is facilitated by collaborating with LMI as Laznas. And Laznas provides many useful experiences.


Ms. Citra: This program may specifically be the first in Surabaya or Indonesia. The hope is that this can become a common desire of other campuses. In the future, God willing, LMI will be ready to collaborate with other campuses or private institutions.


Ms. Citra: The seminar was also attended by LMI donors. One of them is Mr. Bayu, a donor of knowledge, not only material. This program may specifically be the first in Surabaya or Indonesia. The hope is that this can become a common desire of other campuses. In the future, God willing, LMI will be ready to collaborate with other campuses.


Radio (Mas Kohar): Ms. Citra explained that one of the causes of student stress is a lack of interaction with the outside world. Even though the teacher has provided material in an interesting and interactive way through digital means. Is there any solution?

Mr Bayu: There are indeed a lot of problems online. Not only does it provide knowledge but also examples that can be imitated. Unair does support digital content. Create a program like AEE. Collaboration with LMI point number 2 (one of the 8 independent learning activities) namely work practices and internships. Mathematics is converted to learning outside the classroom. You can study at another campus. Later there will also be entrepreneurial activities, coursework will be converted into activities.


Radio (Mas Kohar): Turning to Ms. Citra, LMI's development in carrying out programs, in collaboration with Unair-Ekis, is this the first time, how is it?


Ms. Citra: Prior to this, LMI's education program still focused on elementary and middle school. This opportunity is an opportunity to combine our contributions to the world of education. In developing Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotoric, the hope is that at LMI there will be activity competency standards initiated by the Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Manpower, and all under the coordination of the Coordinating Minister for PMK (Human and Cultural Development). Need to synchronize to adjust the required output as amil. So, in compiling this module it is more about choosing which courses relate to which competencies. That requires effort to realize. LMI has only been serving as Laznas for 5 years, but has been serving as an Amil Zakat Institution since 1995 for 25 years. We will formulate this experience so that we can make a substantial contribution to the world of education. Previously we held scholarship programs, established schools, teacher training, online learning assistance. Grateful to be invited by FEB UA to arrange higher level education connected to the daily activities of an amil, something I never thought of before. The group of zakat recipients does not only cover Islamic economics, it could be from other scientific disciplines such as FISIP, Psychology and other Humanities. We can easily develop it in all scientific disciplines