Prose is a thanksgiving activity and celebration of the graduation of Islamic economics graduates which has two sub-events in it. The first sub-event is Prom night for Islamic Economics Graduates (PROMISE) and the second sub-event is Welcome with Islamic Economics Graduates (SAMAWA). The "Promise" event is packaged through sharing experiences with the speakers being prospective graduates who will then be welcomed at the "Samawa" event. It is hoped that holding this activity can establish good family relationships between graduates and active Islamic Economics students.

Objective : 

  • Islamic economics students gain knowledge from the experiences of graduates
  • Providing new insights and tips and tricks to prospective graduates and female graduates to prepare plans after graduating from S1
  • Providing offerings to graduates from active
    Islamic economics students to become a beautiful memory at the end of the graduates' study period.

Target: Graduates and students of Islamic Economics.
Location: Zoom Meeting (Online)
Implementation: 4 times in 2021

  • Friday, March 5 2021
  • Saturday, June 19 2021
  • Friday, September 17 2021
  • Friday, December 3 2021