Islamic Economics Alumni Sharing (Series) is one of the work programs of the Jakesma Division
of the Islamic Economics Student Association which is packaged in an online sharing concept by 3
speakers from Islamic economics alumni. These include:

MSME Development Implementation Function - Faqih Addien Al Haq (Republic of Indonesia Cabinet Secretariat)
- Ana Toni Roby CY (FEBI UINSA Lecturer)
This year, the Islamic Economics Alumni Sharing (Series) raised the theme "Let's proceed and
be proud of Ekis Unair." Therefore, this activity targets
Unair Islamic economics students and it is hoped that Islamic economics students can understand the pride of being
part of the Islamic economics department by knowing the breadth of career prospects that exist.
This activity was held on:
Day, date: Saturday, October 17 2020
Place: Zoom Meeting