SURABAYA—Sunday, 16 February 2020, the Universitas Airlangga group departed for Ponorogo by train. This trip was carried out in order to take part in the Islamic Economics Olympiad competition entitled Islamic Economics Competition (IESCO) 2.0 which was held by Darussalam Gontor University, Ponorogo in a series of FEM Festival events. IESCO itself takes place on 16-19 February 2020.
These are Sholikudin Alawy (Islamic Economics 2017), Elok Aprilia Imroatus Soliha (Islamic Economics 2017) Mar'atus Sholikah (Islamic Economics 2017), Alaik Wahyu Rozaki (Islamic Economics 2018), Rizki Alvin Amrullah (Islamic Economics 2018), and Putri Pramita ( Islamic Economics 2018) who was a delegate Universitas Airlangga in the IESCO competition.
Photo 1. Universitas Airlangga delegation with Prof. Raditya Sukmana, SE, MA as speaker at the national seminar.
The competition begins with a preliminary round in the form of a round of working on questions as a team. Both teams managed to qualify for the semifinal round, namely the quiz round. Tim Alaik et al. managed to get top 3 in their room group, while Team Sholikudin et al. managed to qualify for the final round and take part in the continuation series to compete for the championship.
Photo 2. Group B in the semifinal round. Tim Alaik et al. became the top 3 scorer in group B.
The final round was held with a quiz round between the teams that passed from each group in the previous round. The final round was tense because each team had their own advantages. Sholikudin et al. had stumbled in the first round, but was able to turn things around when questions with high scores were answered correctly. The journey to the final round with the picture guessing question succeeded in bringing Team Sholikudin et al. achieved first position.
IESCO activities are also a series of events including scientific writing competitions, business plan competitions, international seminars, as well as tabligh akbar and gala dinners which are held after participants have gone through all the competition rounds. The winner award procession was held on the last day (re: Wednesday, 19 February 2020) in an international seminar at the Integrated Building at Darussalam University, then participants took part in the remaining events including the closing.
Photos 3 and 4. Sholikudin team et al. received a trophy and 1st place plaque from the organizer.
Based on Sholikudin's testimony as team leader, this competition was the third time he and his team had participated. The first year almost passed the final round, but ended up as top 3 in the semifinal group. The second year succeeded in bringing third place, and this year Sholikudin et al. managed to take home first place.
Overall, the event was grand and lively. A good place to gain experience, friends who encourage goodness, as well as a winning bonus which Universitas Airlanggadelegation was relieved to take home.