Hangout is the use of febHangouts of useful (Nobar) are one of the activities of the Work Program of the Mosaic FEB UNAIR Division for 2025. This Nobar aims to educate FEB students, all UNAIR students from various faculties and the general public, regarding the values ​​and knowledge of Islam. This activity will be carried out twice in the management of one period, namely on March 19, 2025 and May 8, 2025 with the theme "Spiritual Growth in Academic Life". As for this first episode we raised the title "Studying With Barakah: Islamic Hacks for Academic Excellence" which will be filled by the speaker, Al-Ustadz Afri Andiarto and discusses how to foster blessings in studying with an Islamic approach. This study will explore various strategies and habits that can be applied by students to learn to be more effective, meaningful, and full of blessings. This series of studies will be carried out offline at the Nuruzzaman Mosque of the Unair campus.
Nobar's activity with the theme "Spiritual Growth in Academic Life" discusses how spiritual growth, especially in Islamic perspective, can have a positive impact in academic life. The purpose of student development and guarantee quality education in accordance with SDGs 4 is "Ensuring the quality of inclusive and equitable education and increasing learning opportunities throughout all". The existence of this Nobar activity can be followed not only from Mosaic members and FEB Airlangga students, but all UNAIR students, the surrounding community, the community, and are open to the public.
With this Nobar activity, it is hoped that all participants will gain knowledge that has been delivered by the speaker, increasing faith, getting the widest possible relationship and adding insight. In this case can improve themselves in religion and increase motivation in learning Islam, to prepare themselves to be Muslims who can have a positive impact on the surrounding community and get glory in the world and the hereafter.