feb unair 1(FEB News) Friday, March 7, 2025 - The Accounting Department of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB Unair) again held a Teaching CEO program, presenting M. Noor Nugroho, Deputy Head of Bank Indonesia Representative of East Java Province, as the main resource. The event which took place in the Soepoyo Hall, 3rd Floor FEB Unair gave in -depth insight into the principles and implementation of Bank Indonesia (BI) governance in supporting national economic stability.

This activity was opened by Dina Indriana, SA, MA, as the moderator, who introduced the speakers and conveyed the importance of understanding the governance of the central bank for students. Also present Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, Deputy Dean I FEB Unair, and Yani Permatasari, S.Ak., MBA., Secretary of the FEB Unair Accounting Study Program, who welcomed this opportunity as a form of direct learning from practitioners.

Bank Indonesia's strategic role in economic stability

In the presentation session, M. Noor Nugroho explained comprehensively about Bank Indonesia's institutions, structural changes after the P2SK Law, as well as governance principles applied by BI.

He underlined that many people still misunderstood the role of Bank Indonesia as a financial institution. "Often when I introduce myself as part of BI, the question that arises is whether we can give credit. In fact, Bank Indonesia is different from commercial banks, "he said.

FEB UNAIR 1AAs a central bank, BI has the main mandate, namely:
1. Maintaining the stability of the value of the rupiah through sustainable monetary policy,
2. Regulating and maintaining the smooth payment system, including digital transformation in the financial sector,
3. Supervise the financial system in a macrudential manner, in order to prevent systemic risk in banking.

In addition, M. Noor also explained how Law No. 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (P2SK Law) Strengthens the role of BI in maintaining economic stability through increasing accountability and institutional transparency.

Accountability and Transparency: Main Pillars of BI Governance

One of the crucial aspects of Bank Indonesia governance is accountability and transparency. M. Noor emphasized that BI always gave reports to the DPR, BPK, and the public regularly to ensure that the policies applied were well and in accordance with the principles of good governance (independence, consistency, coordination, accountability, and transparency).

"Over the past 21 years, BI's financial statements have always received a Fair Opinion without Exception (WTP). This is proof that governance in BI is carried out very well and consistently, "said M. Noor.

This teaching CEO activity is a valuable learning place for students, especially in understanding how good governance contributes to national economic stability.

The event was closed with a group photo session as well as the delivery of award certificate to the resource person, marking the success of the implementation of the CEO of teaching FEB Unair this time.

Through this event can provide very valuable insight for S1 Accounting Universitas Airlangga, especially for those who take the course of the role of accounting in corporate governance and PPAK students. It is hoped that through this teaching CEO event can enrich their understanding of how Bank Indonesia's policies and management contribute to the stability of the country's economy and have a positive impact on the Indonesian financial sector.

Hopefully this seminar opens further collaboration opportunities that are beneficial for the development of science in the fields of accounting, economic, and governance of financial institutions, as well as strengthen the relationship between the academic world and practitioners in maintaining Indonesian economic stability