accounting internal composition feb unair 2023The 2023 Accounting Internal Competition (AIC) has the theme Globalization is Golden Era. The promotion of this theme is a hope and prayer for Universitas Airlangga Bachelor of Accounting students who will later become accountants so that they will become broad-minded individuals, able to socialize, able to exchange world views, and update on global economic issues. The 2023 AIC activity will go through 3 rounds, namely preliminary, semifinal and final. In the preliminary round, ±40 teams will work on 45 multiple choice questions in 50 minutes. Then the 20 teams that qualify will continue the match to the semifinal round which includes 3 posts, namely be careful, be smart, be fast. Finally, there is the final round where 4 teams will compete using a debate or argument system based on topics determined by the committee.
