itcom accounting feb unair


Information Technology Community is an agenda in the Media and Information division of the Creative Division which aims to improve participants' abilities in operating information technology related to accounting, targeting UNAIR Bachelor of Accounting students.

The IT COM 1 and IT COM 2 events started at 18.00 WIB, starting at 18.00 WIB with an opening by the MC and remarks by the chief executive of IT COM and the Chair of HMA Universitas Airlangga . Then, the trainer will deliver data management material which will be followed by practice, at IT COM 1 and IT COM 2 the material will start at 18.15 WIB. During practice, participants are allowed to ask questions and consult with the trainer regarding problems and complaints they face while practicing. Closing by the Master of Ceremony and a group photo was held at 19.50 WIB at IT COM 1 and IT COM 2 as the closing event.