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Airlangga Accounting Competition (AAC) 2023 is a work program as well as the largest annual event organized by the Accounting Student Association, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga in the form of a series of accounting competition events between high schools and between universities which are attended by participants from all over Indonesia. The series of Airlangga Accounting Competition activities will be held on 19 August 2023–23 September 2023. The aim of the Airlangga Accounting Competition (AAC) 2023 is as branding and showing the existence of UNAIR Accounting to students and high school students in Indonesia.
At the international level, Indonesia itself has made a very strong commitment to realizing decent work to balance the growth of the working age population throughout the world which reaches around 40 million per year and it is estimated that more than 600 million new jobs need to be created by 2030. Placing the creation of job opportunities as a policy center would result in stronger growth. The Indonesian government will integrate SDG's into the Medium Term Development Plan with Bappenas as coordinator.

This prompted the 2023 Airlangga Accounting Competition for the big theme "Optimizing Digital Transformation for Establishing the Future Accountant to Achieve Sustainability in 5.0 Era". Our aim and objective in choosing this theme is to maintain a sustainable increase in the economic welfare of the community, development that maintains the sustainability of the social life of the community, development that maintains the quality of the environment and development that guarantees justice and the implementation of governance that is able to maintain an improvement in the quality of life from one generation to the next. next generation. Through this series of AAC events, it is hoped that it will be able to produce resources that can face the dynamic and uncertain era like today and trigger participants to increase their competitive and innovative spirit in dealing with the problems that exist around them.

Airlangga Accounting Competition (AAC) 2023 consists of four major events, including:
(1) UNAC (UNAIR National Accounting Competition)
UNAC is an accounting Olympiad for students. The aim of this AAC competition is to show the existence of UNAIR Accounting to other universities that UNAIR Accounting can create quality events, a means to measure the abilities of students in Indonesia
(2) TAC (Teenage Accounting Competition)
TAC is an olympiad held for high school level students and the equivalent which aims to introduce and attract high school students to UNAIR Accounting.
(3) National Seminar
Seminar is a series of educational events in the form of national scale seminars which are a series of AAC activities.
(4) Awarding Night
Awarding night is the highlight of AAC 2023. The awarding night is held with the aim of giving appreciation for the participation of the competition participants and providing entertainment to participants/spectators with art performances followed by the announcement of the competition winners as the closing ceremony of AAC 2023.