AKS1 LEAGUE is an agenda for the Internal Affairs of Universitas Airlangga HMA. AKS1 LEAGUE is an agenda that aims to maintain good relations between AKS1 residents through sports competitions held using a league system. This agenda aims to introduce the youngest generation to the previous generation, as well as maintaining the ties of brotherhood between AKS1 residents.


The AKS1 LEAGUE will be held for two days on 11 - 12 March 2023 at the AWS Futsal and Volleyball Field, the event will start at 12.00 with the opening of the event. At 12.30 - 13.50 a volleyball match will be held. Then at 13.55 - 14.15 there is a tug of war mini game followed by a volleyball match at 14.20 - 14.35. Followed by ishoma at 14.40 - 15.00. At 15.05 - 16.40, the volleyball match continues, and there are minigames at 16.45 - 17.05. Then the volleyball match continues at 17.05 - 17.45 and ishoma at 17.50 - 18.10. And the volleyball match continues at 18.15 - 18.50.  


On the second day the volleyball match will start at 13.05 - 14.40. Then break Ishoma first 14.40 - 15.00. After Ishoma, the sixth volleyball match continues at 15.05 - 15.40. Minigames will continue at 15.45 - 16.05. After the minigames, the volleyball match continues at 16.10 - 17.45. Then there is an Ishoma break at 17.50 - 18.10. After ishoma, minigames continue at 18.15 - 18.35. Then, the final match continues at 18.40 - 19.15. Then the event closed at 19.20 - 20.00 with the announcement of the winners and awarding of prizes for the 2023 AKS1 LEAGUE.