ARC 2023 Agenda Description


Accounting Research Community (ARC) 2023 is an agenda for the Intellectual HMA Universitas Airlangga which accommodates Accounting Students in paper preparation training to prepare themselves for the competition. This agenda is in line with the SDGs goals related to point 4 regarding quality education, the hope is to guarantee the quality of inclusive education and the Young Generation as innovation agents who can make important and significant contributions to implementing sustainable development concepts that are applicable and in accordance with one of the implementations, namely through the Accooting Research Community (ARC) agenda which aims to deepen the knowledge of Bachelor of Accounting students regarding paper research, improve and train the ability of Bachelor of Accounting students to write papers, and make Bachelor of Accounting students ready to take part in paper competitions and their work can be useful for others . 

Accounting Research Community (ARC) 2023 will be held four times, namely on 17 March 2023, 1 April 2023, 5 May 2023, and 13 May 2023 which will take place in classrooms and Zoom Meetings. The event which will take place at the Zoom meeting will be held on April 1 2023 and May 13 2023, starting at 10.00 WIB with an opening by the mentor. Next, at 10.05 – 11.05 WIB the mentor gave material. Then, the mentor closed at 11.05 – 11.10 WIB. The implementation which will take place in the classroom will be held on March 17 2023 and May 5 2023, starting at 19.00 - 19.05 WIB with an opening by the mentor. Next, at 19.05 – 20.05 WIB the mentor gave material. Then there is a review of the material that has been discussed with the mentor at 20.05 - 20.25 WIB and finally closing by the mentor at 20.25 - 20.30 WIB.