Accounting Knowing Better (AKB) 2022 will be held on Friday, September 23 2022 at 09.00 WIB. The Accounting Knowing Better (AKB) 2022 event is an event created specifically for new students Universitas Airlangga Accounting study program. The aim of holding the 2022 Accounting Knowing Better (AKB) event is to introduce new accounting students to the world of accounting. The theme raised by Accounting Knowing Better (AKB) in 2022 is "Upgrade Your Knowledge to be a Great Accountant in an Endemic Era" with the theme chosen to support the running of a useful and inspiring seminar for the participants. because as we know, Indonesia is currently in the transition period from pandemic to endemic. Many changes have occurred, especially in the position of accountant, coupled with the issue of the recent recession, of course in the future it cannot be denied that the role of accounting will continue to grow and as students we need to equip ourselves with knowledge that is relevant to the times.

Therefore, this year's AKB theme has the aim and hope that it can provide an overview of the professions in the accounting department, the work environment, and how each profession is able to survive the changes that occur until the transition to endemic.