
MUN Conference is a word that is heard a lot. These are stimulating conferences organized mostly in educational institutions and sometimes independently, where participants get the opportunity to represent as delegates from different countries and talk about various issues that can help in personal care.

The United Nations conference model is a reproduction of the United Nations conference on a smaller level. It involves educational tasks where young students are given the opportunity to acquire various skills that help in personality development. The various abilities that are targeted are speaking, how to debate issues, analyzing things at a critical level which are important in the creation of a leader. MUN provides an opportunity to gain knowledge about statesmanship and handling external relations. These events are organized at school, college, university level as well as independently by several organizations targeting specific regions. Students and young leaders engage through it and learn about current and ongoing global issues. Committee sessions may include the following: UNESCO, UNDP, WHO, OIC, UNSC, DISEC, etc. Sometimes this can be tailored to the type of conference.

MUN has participants or delegates and they are provided with countries that they must represent in stimulatory meetings and discussion forums. They can also be assigned political organizations and leaders, and all this is done beforehand. The topics and tasks to be covered are presented to them in advance so they can work on them and prepare themselves. They collect points and create an agenda that they can present and debate during sessions modeled after committees. Delegates are often advised to remain alert and ready to receive critical questions regarding their stance on the issues they discuss and address. At the end of the MUN conference, prizes and shields were awarded to each committee participant who performed best. This serves as a confidence booster as well.

Considering in the United Nations conference model helps in encouraging dialogue between different individuals and helps in improving public speaking and communication skills. Different panels such as crisis committees deal with scenarios relating to their specifics either in a modern or historical context. It helps students to adapt and fight against unexpected situations and moments. Different approaches are used to study policy and diplomacy. Study guides are provided to participants by the organizers for each committee. Everyone is expected to actually act in the position they wish to occupy during their presentation. Delegates should also learn to compose papers using background guides. This is done in order to spread awareness about topics that encourage research and writing that can be of great benefit in the future.

The Model United Nations mostly includes individuals from three levels of education, and they can create teams of delegates or go it alone on their institution's nomination. In those held at the international level, participants do not need to represent certain institutions and prefer to attend themselves. The first model United Nations was organized at Swarthmore college in 1947. More than 150 students took part in the General Assembly conference and discussed various issues including the development of Atomic Energy, citizenship of refugees, disarmament treaties, etc. since then, various such events have been held around the world.