The 2021 Accounting Internal Competition (AIC) carries the theme Series Of Accounting Competition In The New Era, which means Series of Accounting Competitions in the New Era which is organized and participated by Bachelor of Accounting students Universitas Airlangga . With this theme, the AIC 2021 activity is expected to be a place where information about accounting is shared between participants so that each participant can gain new perceptions. The 2021 AIC activity will have 3 rounds, namely preliminary, semi-final and final. In the preliminary round, 35 teams will work on 80 multiple choice questions in 60 minutes. Furthermore, the 10 teams that qualify will continue the match to the semifinal round which includes 3 posts, namely the scrabble post, superdeal post and card post. Lastly is the final round where 4 teams will compete in the debate round.