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The 2021 AKS1 League is one of the agendas of the Universitas AirlanggaHMA Internal division. This agenda aims to introduce the new class (2020) to the senior classes (2019, 2018, 2017, 2016) and to establish ties between AKS1 residents.

The AKS1 League will be held for four days on Saturday and Sunday, 27-28 March 2021 and 3-4 April 2021, which will start at 10.00 WIB followed by a break at 12.00 WIB and 18.00 WIB, ending at 21.00 WIB. Due to the pandemic conditions which make it impossible to carry out activities offline, the 2021 AKS1 League will be held online in the form of E-Sport.

On the fourth or final day of the AKS1 League, it will start at 10.00 WIB and end at 18.00 WIB, followed by the announcement of the winners.