

Gradiant (Graphic Design and Photography Training) is one of the agendas of the creative division in the media and information sector of HMA Unair which is held with the aim of introducing, building and improving the skills of AKS1 residents. By holding this agenda, it is hoped that AKS1 residents can have added value, so that they become superior individuals.

Gradiant 1.0 will be held on March 20 2021 and starts at 15.00 WIB. On this occasion, the theme that will be raised is Improve Your Product Packaging Design. The software used to support the smooth running of the event is Adobe Illustrator. Delivery of material will be divided into two sessions. The first session focused on presenting material using PowerPoint, while the second session was a joint practice activity to apply the material that had been previously presented. The event will end at 17.10 WIB with a group photo activity.