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Gathering 2019 is an annual work program from the Human Resources sector of HMA Universitas Airlangga . This year's Gathering takes the Summer Vibes concept with the theme "Stronger as One". It is hoped that this work program, class of 2019 and the accounting community will be more united and make the sense of unity a sense of pride.

The 2019 Gathering will be held on Sunday, 20 October 2019 at the BIK-IPTEKDOK Building. Open gate will start at 17.00 until 19.00, followed by the opening by the MC. Next, a speech will be given by the Chair of the Committee, Chair of the Accounting HIMA, Coordinator of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program, and Head of the Accounting Department until 19.15, followed by the inauguration of the event by cutting the tumpeng by the Head of the Accounting Department together with the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program, Chair of the Accounting HIMA, and Chair of the Committee. . Next there will be a teaser video screening, ice breaking, games and eating together until 20.30. Followed by the inauguration event, namely presenting the class of 2019 to the residents and singing together. At 20.45 the event was closed by the MC.

The following is some documentation of activities:

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