business dev feb unairBusiness Development is a research service that provides accurate and up-to-date information regarding companies, financial instruments and capital market trends in the form of initiation reports provided by KSPM Universitas Airlangga . This service accepts clients from the wider community as well as active students in Indonesia. This initiation report consists of various components that are very important to pay attention to before investing, namely Technical analysis, Porter's five analysis, Valuation, Industry overview, and others. Apart from that, there are also recommendations and highlights to facilitate clients in minimizing the risk of making wrong investment decisions.

Businesses are the driving engines for creating jobs and economic growth, as well as encouraging economic activity through their value chains. Economic growth is also one of the focuses of the problems currently facing the world. This factor causes the need for sustainable development which aims to create a balance between economic, environmental and social needs. Universitas Airlangga involvement and concern for sustainable development, a Business Development work program was formed. This is in accordance with the 8th SDGs which has the main goal of increasing inclusive and sustainable economic growth. One way to realize this target is to foster an investment culture. With the availability of investment analysis research services provided by KSPM Universitas Airlangga , it is hoped that investors and companies can be helped and made easier in making the right investment decisions.

Business Development services are available Monday to Friday (08:00 – 16:00), March to December 2024. Client requests will be processed approximately one month after the request is received. For further information regarding prices, please contact the following contact person:
CP: Naufal Gn (081336427120)
