Bachelor of Capital Markets Feb UnairThe Bachelor of Capital Markets will take place during February - April 2024, divided into 6 meetings (3 meetings offline and the rest held online).

This program aims to ensure that internal members of KSPM FEB UNAIR have basic and intermediate level knowledge regarding the meaning of capital markets, capital market instruments, fundamental theory, technical analysis theory, and how to invest well, as well as assignments and practice regarding technical and fundamental analysis. The speakers who will be present are KSPM alumni, lecturers and internal KSPM members. The Bachelor of Capital Markets program supports the implementation of SDGs 8, namely Decent Work and Economic Growth because the Bachelor of Capital Markets provides training on capital markets so that they can increase the knowledge and skills of internal members of KSPM FEB Unair regarding capital markets and their instruments. With these skills, it is hoped that KSPM FEB Unair members will get decent jobs and grow the Indonesian economy. #BachelorPasarModal