GIBEI NEWS - Friday, 22 October 2021, KSPM successfully held an Investor Activities webinar, which was a follow-up event to the Capital Markets School webinar that had been held previously. This webinar is aimed at beginner investors who want to learn more about investing. This Investor Activation took the theme "Stock and Financial Management: Key to Financial Freedom". And guided by MC Betris Tampubolon and attended by two extraordinary speakers, namely Imam Gunadi as investment specialist Indo Premier and Linarto Wijaya as entrepreneur, trader and investor.

Mr. Linarto Wijaya filled in the material in the first session. In this first session, Mr. Linarto discussed financial management with a specific theme, namely the key to achieving financial freedom. In his presentation, Mr Peni explained how to manage finances to achieve financial freedom. Pak Peni explained that one way to achieve financial freedom is to invest from the start. This material is considered very important for novice investors, where novice investors are still inconsistent when investing. It is hoped that this material can encourage participants to be consistent in investing.

In this second session, Mr. Imam Gunadi discussed more technical material regarding investment. In his presentation, Mr. Imam Gunadi explained how to adjust your mindset in investing and investment methods. This material is very relevant to participants who are beginner investors, who still need to learn more about investment.

Apart from the various useful materials provided, during the webinar there was also a question and answer session at each material session and quiz games were held via the Kahoot website at each material session. This is done so that the webinars are more interactive and not monotonous. By holding this Investor Activation webinar, it is hoped that it can become a forum for novice investors who want to learn more about capital markets and investment.