
Surabaya, 04 May 2019

GIBEI NEWS - The world of investment, especially shares and mutual funds, is becoming increasingly popular among the wider public, therefore education from various elements of capital market institutions, investors and practitioners also needs to be promoted and improved. One of them is by holding a Capital Markets School (SPM) to provide deeper understanding and knowledge about what the capital market is and the products in it.

The Capital Market Study Group (KSPM) FEB Unair as the organizer of the SPM event this time opened registration for seminar participants from all groups, including young and old. This time the SPM event was held on Saturday, 04 May 2019 at the Mindrowo Hall, Fl. 4 FEB Unair. The event started at 09.00 WIB, opened by the two MCs, namely Purbo Raharjo and Metta and followed by the opening and welcoming remarks from the Chief Executive of SPM, namely Fary and Investment Management Lecturer Mr. Rahmat Heru.

Don't forget that the SPM organizing committee invited several professional and competent speakers, namely Mr. Dyan Fajar Mahardika as Executive Trainer of the BEI East Java Representative Office to fill in the material for session I, namely an introduction to the capital market and how trading mechanisms on the stock exchange are and Mr. Edi Murdiono as Marketing Officer of Indo Premier Securities to fill in session II material. The presentation of the material given by Mr. Fajar lasted approximately 100 minutes. It was seen that many participants were very enthusiastic in the presentation of session I material, asking questions with deep curiosity. One participant named Dionisius actively participated in asking questions regarding the trading mechanism on the stock exchange. Participants who actively took part in asking questions were given prizes by the organizing committee. After session I was finished, the organizing committee gave a plaque to Mr. Fajar as a sign of thanks for agreeing to be a speaker.

Then the activity continues with Ishoma (rest, prayer and eating) at 11.35 – 12.35. Some of the participants also rushed out to get food for eating and praying. After the ishoma session ends, go to the material session II given by Mr. Edi Murdiono regarding trading simulations in the Indo Premier application, how to order books and share buying and selling transactions, and don't forget to introduce the features in the IPOT application. The second subject session also lasted for 100 minutes, followed by a question and answer session from the participants. It appears that in this session the active participants asked more questions than in session I because the emphasis was more on trading simulations and practice rather than theory.

We come to the end of the event, namely the presentation of a plaque to Mr. Edi and also a group photo of the entire committee with the speaker and also Mr. Rahmat Heru as Lecturer in Investment Management.