recharging feb unairRecharging 2 is a program designed to facilitate E-Radio members in developing their interests and talents in the fields of broadcasting and public speaking. This activity aims to create quality human resources by strengthening public speaking skills, broadcast technical skills, and knowledge of organizational management. This program will focus on strengthening bonds between members through bonding activities, games, as well as material presentation sessions from inspirational speakers who are experts in their fields. Through various training, workshops and seminars held, participants are expected to become the next generation who have high intellectual capacity, continue the vision of the previous E-Radio management, and are ready to face challenges in the professional world.

Recharging 2 is also in line with the 4th Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), namely ensuring inclusive and quality education and supporting lifelong learning opportunities for all. This program opens access to inclusive education with various activities for E-Radio members. Through quality training and workshops, Recharging 2 improves participants' skills in the fields of broadcasting and public speaking, which include quality non-formal education. Seminars, training sessions, and bonding opportunities ensure that participants gain skills, new insights, and solid relationships with fellow members that are relevant to the latest developments. In this way, Recharging 2 not only supports the development of individual members, but also contributes to global efforts to achieve inclusive and quality education, in line with SDG 4.