WE STAND FEB UNAIRAgipro is BEM FEB UNAIR's effort to provide quick responses to social issues that are developing in society. Through *Agipro*, BEM FEB conveys relevant attitudes and education through two main media: online and offline.

Online media is used to reach a wider audience through social media platforms and websites. Meanwhile, offline media is carried out through posters and stickers posted around campus, containing short and interesting information to attract students' attention.

The aim of *Agipro* is to address current issues and as a media for promoting the BEM FEB work program. Apart from that, this activity also contributes to achieving *Sustainable Development Goals* (SDGs) number 4 concerning Quality Education, by expanding access to education and increasing public awareness through non-formal channels.

The implementation of *Agipro* is carried out periodically and incidentally, adapting to the dynamics of developing issues. With this approach, BEM FEB UNAIR can maintain relevance and effectiveness in conveying information to students and the wider community.