Tokonomi is the official BEM FEB UNAIR merchandise sales platform. Tokonomi comes with an open batch system consisting of two sales volumes in one period. Apart from that, this time Tokonomi also comes with a ready stock system which can make it easier for buyers to obtain Tokonomi products in an easy and practical way. These Tokonomi products can be found in several offline stores in the FEB area and at the Welcome Visit BEM event FEB.
In each sale, Tokonomi offers various Faculty of Economics and Business merchandise products, ranging from keychains, notebooks, T-shirts, totebags, to lighters, lanyards and stickers. The themes promoted by Tokonomi are always adapted to the needs and tastes of students and the public, creating a special attraction for buyers. Starting from unique designs to guaranteed product quality, every item sold by Tokonomi has gone through a strict selection process to ensure customer satisfaction. Through merchandise sales, this program can promote economic growth by providing opportunities for students and the general public to buy Tokonomi products to realize SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth